A Look Inside DCAC’s Forensic Interview Team, with Jessica Ulmen
What is your role within the agency, and what does an average day look like for you?
As a forensic interviewer at Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center, I interview children of all ages on behalf of law enforcement. Each day, I get to talk to two or three children about their alleged abuse. In addition, the forensic interview team rotates on-call for any urgent needs outside of normal Center hours. Conducting forensic interviews gives me the chance to be there for kids on what is oftentimes a very hard day, and I also get to be a tool for our Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) during the investigation. One example of how forensic interviewers serve a unique purpose for the MDT is that we testify in court to educate juries on child abuse dynamics and the validity of the practice of forensic interviewing.
Just like each child who comes to the Center, each interview is different. However, DCAC interviewers follow protocol, regularly attend trainings, and participate in peer reviews to make sure that we are providing the best possible service to the child abuse survivors who come through DCAC’s doors.
What is your favorite part about your job?
While what I discuss with children is often heavy, I am proud to be able to give them a setting and opportunity to tell their stories. I may only talk to a child once, but I know that by having that conversation, so many chances for healing and resources are made available to them. I always thank them for coming to my interview room to talk, and the best part of my job is when they thank me back. I think for that reason, Child Abuse Prevention Month is so important. Learning to be an adult who listens, helps, and cares for children who have been abused is one of the greatest responsibilities we have.
Here is DCAC’s Assistant Director of Forensic Services, Janeth Peterson, talking about the importance of the forensic Interview in the prosecution of child abuse cases.
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To learn more about DCAC’s Forensic Services Team and the services they provide, visit https://dcac.org/what-we-do/forensic-services/.