Is your organization looking for a way to make a meaningful investment in our community? Consider making a difference in the life of an abused child in Dallas county.
Through donations of financial support, volunteer hours, and in-kind goods or services, your group can be a champion for the thousands of young victims we help each year.
Contact today to learn how your organization can become a Champion for DCAC.
Corporate Champions
The Corporate Champions program is designed for corporations and organizations of all sizes that wish to support the life-saving work of DCAC and make a difference in a child’s life. We have found that the most successful partnerships come when a company invests its time, talent, and treasure. To that end, corporations will be asked to make an unrestricted annual gift each fiscal year (Oct. 1 – Sept. 30) and a commitment that their employees will volunteer their time and talent to DCAC during that same timeframe.
Supporting DCAC in this way provides invaluable program enhancements while allowing more of your corporate dollars to go directly to the cause. If you wish to have your employees become further engaged with our mission, DCAC offers in-person and virtual education as well as opportunities to support DCAC’s in-kind needs.
In gratitude for your support, members will receive an invitation to attend an annual patron event and receive early invitations to participate in DCAC special events. Participating donors will be listed on the Corporate Champions webpage in accordance with their giving level as well as listed in DCAC publications and social media, where appropriate.
Corporate Champions: Levels of Support
Gift of $15,000 or more annually
Logo recognition on DCAC Corporate Champions webpage
Gift of $10,000 to $14,999 annually
Logo recognition on DCAC Corporate Champions webpage
Gift of $5,000 to $9,999 annually
Logo recognition on DCAC Corporate Champions webpage
Gift of $2,500 to $4,999 annually
Business Name listed on DCAC Corporate Champions webpage
Our Champions