DCAC Therapist Keila Barrentos shares this story:When I first met John Doe, age 12, he was extremely withdrawn. He refused to talk to anyone. In fact, upon introduction, his mom said to me, “Good luck, he doesn’t talk to anyone.” When I started building rapport with John I asked what were some of his favorite things […]
Jane Doe, age 9
Jane is 9 years old. She lives in Dallas with her parents and two siblings. Her father’s business partner and fraternity brother has always been close to the family, but only he and Jane know his deepest secrets. Jane began to regress in school, and a caring teacher, trained by DCAC, knew something wasn’t right. […]
Jane Doe, age 14
At age 14, Jane’s mother began dating a man who made Jane feel uncomfortable. He soon began to sexually abuse Jane. When Jane tried to tell her mother, she defended her boyfriend and called Jane names, blaming the abuse on her. With her home unsafe, Jane ran away. Within 48 hours, Jane was approached by a […]
Jane Doe, age 4
Jane is 4. Her parents are divorced. Her dad is a truck driver and her mom lives in an assisted living facility because of a terminal illness. Jane’s loving grandparents care for her except when her father is in town once a month. After spending time with her father, Jane often describes adult activities that […]
Jane Doe, age 12
Jane is the oldest of three siblings. Her mother and father fight often, and she shields her siblings from the abuse and chaos in their home. Exhausted at school, she was written up for sleeping in class. Jane’s mother senselessly beat Jane for getting in trouble in school and began to strangle her, causing her […]
We Are Grateful for You!
Thank you for your unwavering support of DCAC! With your help, DCAC coordinates a heroic team of experts who work every day to restore hope in victims’ lives. This past fiscal year: Over 28,000 reports of abuse were read by our staff, and the cases meeting our criteria were coordinated so children received the help they need. Over 7,300 children and […]
Types of Child Abuse
Neglect The leaving of a child in a situation where the child would be exposed to a substantial risk of physical or mental harm, without arranging for necessary care for the child, and the demonstration of an intent not to return by a parent or guardian of the child. Definition taken from Texas State Family […]
How to Protect Your Child
Be calm and confident before discussing this topic with your child. Do not scare your child; your tone should be neutral, educational and empowering. Let your child know that you are always there for him/her and always want to protect him/her. Teach your child that the parts of their body that a bathing suit covers […]
Signs and Symptoms of Abuse
The following are signs commonly associated with abuse, but they are not absolutes. This list is not a checklist but a guide to help identify abuse when it is present. Physical Abuse Frequent injuries that are unexplained and/or when the child or parent cannot adequately explain injury causes such as: bruises, cuts, black eyes, fractures, […]
Sometimes after a child abuse education training or after taking one of DCAC’s online courses, members of the group realize that they have their own childhood abuse issues that need to be attended to. Know that hope and healing can occur at any time of your life and that there are resources to support your […]