Explain your position with DCAC: I am one of two Children’s Programming Advocates. I manage waiting rooms and provide engaging, supportive, and psycho-education-based activities for every kiddo that enters our building; that includes but isn’t limited to FI, Therapy, and assisting CPS. I have a mini caseload of clients who I meet with weekly to provide direct engagement while they are waitlisted for therapy, help therapy group nights, and I also onboard and supervise CP & FA interns. My most favorite part of my job is coordinating and planning CHAMP Camp and Trunk or Treat. Seeing the joy and hope on those little faces lights my world.
What led you to work at DCAC: I started at DCAC as an intern and worked my way into Children’s Programming. I have always had a passion for working with kiddos who need someone to be a voice for them in difficult times, as well as helping them celebrate their little victories and DCAC was the PERFECT place for both of those to come together. I love that I get to work with and learn from incredible people every single day. I have so much love for our mission, I relocated from Arizona to Dallas!
Tell me about someone who has influenced you or a mentor who has helped the most in your career: I don’t have one specific person who has influenced me, I truly take pieces from everyone who has made an impact on me. There have been so many people throughout my life and career that have been huge motivators and taught me about myself, and lessons that have shaped me into the person I am today. I truly am grateful to experience so many good people who leave lasting impressions on my growth, personally and professionally.
How do you enjoy spending your time when you are not working: I LOVE sushi and tacos, a good glass of wine (or margarita,) and good company filled with good laughs. I also love planning parties for my friend’s life events in my free time.
What is the one thing you are most proud of about your job: I am most proud to work alongside like-minded individuals who truly care about the families we serve and with a team that is willing to go above and beyond for our clients and each other.
Favorite quote that inspires you personally: “It takes one star to pierce a universe of darkness. Never Give up.” – R. E. Goodrich
Your go-to karaoke song: Anything Mariah Carey or ‘Shallow’ from A Star is Born. I actually just really love karaoke and will sing anything!
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